Sheers & Shadings
Transform light and provide UV protection for your furniture and artwork with these innovative, light-diffusing sheers and shadings.
Brands you can choose from
For over 25 years, Silhouette® Window Shadings have been the leader in light diffusion with specially crafted fabrics that transform harsh sunlight into beautiful ambient light. With no cords or tapes, the sheer facings allow you to view through the vanes to the outside, while maintaining a discreet level of privacy.

Pirouette® Window Shadings provide a bold and modern alternative to the look and feel of traditional fabric shades.Luminette
Luminette® Privacy Sheers combine a sheer fabric facing with soft, vertical rotating vanes affixed to the back of the sheer. They provide the ethereal beauty of sheer drapery panels along with variable light control and privacy, and are the perfect choice for wide expanses of glass, sliding doors, and other vertical applications.